
How To Apply Ceramic Window Tint

If yous desire your automobile to look and feel sporty, tinted windows are essential. They help to give the machine a sleek profile while maximising privacy, for a more than stylish drive. And in that location are other benefits to window tints likewise, including keeping out the sunday's UV rays – dandy if y'all're travelling with children or merely want to go on your machine cool.

If your car doesn't have tinted windows, y'all can add them as an optional extra. This guide covers everything you need to know about window tinting, from different types of film and the law, to the process of applying tints to your automobile.

Use the links below to navigate the guide.

  • Tinted Windows – What the Police force Says
  • What are the Different Types of Window Tint Moving-picture show?
  • How to Use Window Tint Film in Eight Simple Steps

Tinted Windows – What the Constabulary Says

  • The windscreen film must let in a minimum of 75% lite.
  • The front side windows must let in a minimum of 70% light.

man applies car window tint

Earlier you decide to add window tint film to your automobile, y'all need to be aware of the laws on tinted windows, as outlined past the Driver Vehicle Standards Bureau (DVSA). These rules are for the windscreen and front-side windows but, though there's a chance you could be stopped past the police if they think rear window tinting is affecting your car'due south safety.

If the police force or the DVSA doubtable that your motorcar doesn't let in enough light, they tin use light measuring equipment to cheque. If they find that the tint on your windows is too nighttime you'll be issued with a prohibition notice, preventing you from driving the automobile on the road until the tinting is removed. Yous could fifty-fifty receive a fixed penalty notice or court summons if they feel it'due south serious enough.

The laws are there to make sure all drivers have a clear view of the road. Information technology as well means that other road users and pedestrians are able to brand heart contact with the driver, so they know they've been seen.

Window tint manufacturers in the UK aren't allowed to sell films which don't conform to the DVSA's safe limits, then only ever buy aftermarket window tint motion picture from reputable sellers.

What Are the Different Types of Window Tint Film?

Now that nosotros've covered off the legal bits, it'south fourth dimension to look at the dissimilar types of window tint pic, so you can decide which is right for you lot. Below, nosotros look at the four main types and weigh up the pros and cons of each.

applying car window tint

Dyed Window Tint Moving-picture show

The most mutual, affordable and readily bachelor window tint is dyed film. This has a viscid back to fix it to the window, and so a heat gun is used to stick it properly to the drinking glass. The film appears black from the outside simply is relatively articulate from within, for good visibility and end.

  • Pros: Affordable, piece of cake to use, decent tinted finish.
  • Cons: Dye can fade over time, average-poor cooling upshot and UV protection in the summertime.

Metallised Window Tint Film

This blazon of film contains microscopic metal particles, which help to tint the glass while providing a shiny, metal finish. Metallised films are first-class for keeping estrus out of the cabin, providing a dumbo reflective coating. They're also useful for reinforcing windscreens, making them less liable to shattering.

  • Pros: Strong and resistant to scratching, skillful insulator in the summer and winter.
  • Cons: Metal particles tin interfere with phone, infotainment and radio reception.

cutting car window tint to size

Carbon Window Tint Moving picture

Carbon film is a step up from metallised window tinting, as it contains carbon particles which don't interfere with radio and phone reception. It's also great for blocking heat from the sun, even in the height of summer, and then you won't need to use the ac as much.

  • Pros: First-class UV protection and insulation, bonny matt finish.
  • Cons: Expensive compared to dyed and metallised films.

Ceramic Window Tint Motion-picture show

The crème-de-la-crème of window tints, this contains ceramic particles which offer fantabulous protection against harmful UV rays and solar rut, keeping the car dainty and absurd in the summertime. It's the newest and most expensive tinting film out there, and it also offers the best cease and the best longevity, as information technology'south super resistant to scratches and fading.

  • Pros: Tough and hardwearing, classy matt stop, neat protection from UV and heat.
  • Cons: Very expensive and only available from specialist manufacturers.

How to Apply Window Tint Motion picture in 8 Simple Steps

While many people prefer to have aftermarket tints applied by a professional person, it is possible to apply information technology yourself if y'all accept the correct tools. Below, we provide practical steps on how to use window tint film.

smoothing car window tinting

What You'll Need

  1. A oestrus gun
  2. Craft or Stanley pocketknife
  3. A spray water bottle
  4. Metal file (for finishing)
  5. Microfibre cloth, squeegee and window razor
  • Stride i: Clean the interior drinking glass where the motion picture will exist practical. Nosotros'd recommend using a dedicated machine window cleaning product to remove grease, marks and smears. When you're satisfied the glass is completely clean, apply a squeegee and a window razor to remove excess moisture and dry out the glass.
  • Footstep 2: Start by spraying the exterior drinking glass of the window y'all're working on with h2o. Water holds the movie gently in place, so you can adjust it and cut the moving-picture show to size without having to hold it awkwardly against the glass (which would be tricky, fifty-fifty with the steadiest of hands). And so, cut the pic by pressing it into the window recess and trimming information technology with a pocketknife. Follow the lines of the window frame to cutting every bit precisely every bit possible, and circular off the corners to prevent peeling and domestic dog ears. Remember, yous'll need to current of air down the window slightly to make sure the film is cut to the correct shape.
  • Step ii: Use a heat gun to shape the film to the exact size and shape of the window. The heat will allow the film to stretch and reshape easily, especially if you employ a piece of plastic to mould it into the corners. Once you're happy the motion-picture show is the right shape, gently remove it from the drinking glass and set it aside. We'd recommend clipping information technology upwardly so that it's hanging, or else laying it flat on a clean surface. If you're laying it down, spray the surface with water first to forestall sticking.
  • Step 4: Remove the backing and spray down the moving-picture show with make clean h2o. Keeping the moving picture every bit moist as possible will brand it easier to adapt and move into place on the glass earlier it sticks firmly, and then you can be certain of the perfect fit. So, you're ready to begin applying information technology to the glass.

completed car window tinting

  • Pace 5: Carefully press the motion-picture show on to the inside of the window, using a plastic card to button it into the corners. You should work your way from the middle outward, forcing the air towards the edges. A heat gun will help proceed the film pliable until you're happy you lot've removed all the creases and air pockets – only remember to apply it to the exterior of the glass so every bit not to melt the film.
  • Stride 6: Use a metallic file on the edge of the window to ensure a polish and rounded finish. This volition help prevent the film from becoming unstuck when the window is moved up or down.

Additional tips: When you're applying the tinting film to the rear window or windscreen, it'll make information technology easier if you gyre it onto the glass from 1 side to the other. You should as well give the film time to cure and set up, so avoid winding the windows downwards or using wipers for two days later awarding.

These steps are for guidance only and may not apply to all tint jobs. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions which are supplied with the tinting motion-picture show y'all buy. We'd also recommend buying pre-cut tints which are specifically designed for the brand and model of your motorcar, which takes the stress out of having to cutting the film to size yourself.

Remember, while applying window tints at home is achievable, yous may get a better finish by leaving information technology up to the pros. If y'all'd prefer to do it yourself, we'd recommend watching some in-depth guides on YouTube to proceeds noesis, tips and expertise from professional tint specialists.

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