
McAfee Social Protection Locks Down Your Facebook Photos - elliotalcon1969

McAfee has announced a newborn tool around for Facebook users called McAfee Social Protection. This Facebook app, which will be procurable As a spare common beta at the end of Honourable, allows users to share bastioned photos with select friends–and only those select friends.

The conception behind the tool is pretty cordiform: While you can put down privacy settings into place to keep strangers from stumbling crossways your photos on your Facebook page, there's no way to keep your Facebook friends from, well, sharing your photos wherever they want to.

For example, if you post an incriminating (take that how you will) exposure along Facebook and one of your friends tauntingly shares it happening their wall, then other mass could see IT. Likewise, if your friend downloads that photo and their calculator or netmail invoice is hacked, your pic could fall under the wrong hands.

McAfee Social Protective covering seeks to solve this problem by giving Facebook users a secure political platform through with which they can upload and portion photos without having to worry about people downloading them, copying them, or otherwise share-out them with others.

RELATED: Facebook Privacy: 10 Must-Know Security Settings

McAfee Social Protection App

McAfee incontestable the new app at its Santa Clara authority Thursday good afternoon. Aft a quick download and installation of a uncommon photo viewer, users are able to upload, share, and survey photos on the secure platform. Photos are encrypted so they cannot be copied, printed, surgery have screenshots taken of them, and only the friends you invite to see them are able to see them–every others get a line blurry renditions of your photos. The photos are not hosted connected Facebook's servers, but on a secured Intel server.

Basically, this app helps ensure that your photos don't fall into the wrong manpower, even inadvertently. Since your friends cannot save or download your photos, even if their accounts or devices are compromised, your photos are prophylactic.

That said, it's not foolproof–obviously, if individual was really intent on become that photo, thither are workarounds (for example, you could scarcely take a physical picture with a separate camera of the screen). But the app does here a stumbling block to the easy, one-click sharing that can sometimes make compromising photos go viral.

RELATED: Deleted Facebook Photos Still Reachable Online, Age Later

What your friends will see in their newsfeeds

While the Social Aegis app North Korean won't be able to stop truly malicious people from stealing your photos, it is a substitute the right commission when it comes to helping people get a handle on their ain data. Not lonesome wish people be fit to know exactly WHO is beholding their photos, simply they'll also be able to pull conciliatory photos from the Web without having to really worry about whether those photos hold been copied and glued elsewhere.

Of course, systematic for Multi-ethnic Protection to work, hoi polloi actually take up to use it. It's not quite a as elementary as uploading photos immediately to Facebook–and McAfee hasn't mentioned whether at that place will glucinium a mobile component to the app–but the unneeded step might just be worth the extra protection.

Come Sarah on Chirrup, Facebook, operating theatre Google+.


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